Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sunset from Titahi Bay

After a couple of wet, windy cold days--as well as a series of bureaucratic irritations and a fall off the bike--the Southwesterlies turned and the skies finally cleared. Kristen started work orientation today, and left to my own devices I tried not to obsess about the US election and the "bailout". 
     We had a marvelously fresh dinner of scallops, sushi and sashimi, then drove a few minutes up the coast to Titahi Bay to watch the sunset. Flocks of birds braved the stiff crosswinds to roost on Mana Island (far right) as the sun set gloriously over the ridges of the South Island. 
     I am reminded of Keats' words (from Ode on a Grecian Urn), "Beauty is truth, truth beauty. That is all ye know on earth, and all ye need know." To see that beauty, borne of our impermanence, is to let go of impatientce, dread, or anything that prevents us living in the now, for now is all we have.

1 comment:

Patrick Kemal Pryor said...

I think that some part of our brains only understands Now. The other part made up now, past, present, and future! I made this all up, but since its always now - what is the past? What is memory? and does it only have its affect on the part of the brain that understands the difference in time or does it affect the part that only knows now, and has it know now in a different way?