Friday, February 13, 2009

Mahina Bay

As summer winds down, we've decided to shift from the city to the other side of the harbour, and are now staying in a little cottage at Mahina Bay. We now take the ferry into town, which is (for a while at least), a fun and scenic 25 minute commute. Here's the view from our window this morning:

Actually, the weather has been pretty dismally rainy the last week, so today was also the first day we had the opportunity to explore the reserve that is literally in our back yard. The forest is remarkably intact, with many old podocarps, beech, matai, tree ferns and fruit-bearing karaka, in addition to the ubiquitous manuka and kanuka. There is also an abundance of bird life, and we awake each morning to a chorus of tui, bellbirds and morepork. We think we've even heard the call of the rare saddleback. Here's a view from the trail, again looking back over the harbour. That's Soames island at right, and the city (white area) at left. If you open up the picture, you can see a sailing regatta at left in front of the city, and at bottom-center, the little dock where we catch to 7:15 ferry to the city.

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